
Jan 31 2020
We are in the news!
Awesome research paper by our PhD student Alena Klindziuk, visiting student Billie Meadowcroft and A.B.K. called “A Mechanochemical Model of Transcriptional Bursting” was featured in the news! In the paper the authors use chemical kinetics and first-passage method to show that the transcriptional bursting is observed when both the supercoiling and the mechanical stress-release due to gyrase are present in the system. They also show that the overall RNA production rate is not constant and depends on the number of previously synthesized RNA molecules. More details can be found on Rice’s website or on

Congratulations to Masha Kochugaeva!
Masha is a PhD now! She will continue her research as a postdoc in Yale University!

We have a new postdoc!
Jaeoh Shin joined our group! Traditionally, we celebrated his arrival by having a lunch in Spanish restaraunt. Jaeoh, welcome to our group and good luck! (May, 2017)

Luiza is PhD candidate now!
Congratulations to Luiza, who passed qualifying exam and earned MA in Chemistry! (April 17, 2017)

Group memebers presented posters at NSF CTBP site visit.
As always we had a lot of fun discussing life and research! (April 17, 2017)

Media writes about us again!
Smalley-Curl Institute honors top posters, presentations at colloquium. Our graduate student won the prize! (August 17, 2016) – Read more

Alexey Shvets is MIT postdoc now!
Our group had a wonderful dinner in Sushi restaurant! Alex, good luck in your new life!

Media writes about us again!
It gets mighty crowded around your DNA, but don’t worry: According to Rice University researchers, your proteins are nimble enough to find what they need. (June 23, 2016) Image: Jeff Fitlow/Rice University – Read more

Celebration of Hamid’s defence!
Our group had a wonderful dinner in Iranian restaraunt. Everyone liked the food! (March 25, 2016)

Congratulations to Hamid Teimouri!
Hamid Teimouri, Rice graduate student, succesfully defended his thesis today and became a doctor. Congratulations, Dr. Teimouri! (March 11, 2016) Picture is taken from Studio-C.

New graduate student joined our group.
Mikita Misura, new Rice graduate student, joined our group for fruitful research. Welcome, Nikita! And please, enjoy statistical mechanics of biological systems! (January 7, 2016) Picture is taken from PhD comics(“Piled Higher and Deeper” by Jorge Cham).

Media writes about us!
Rice researchers’ theory finds blocked path sometimes speeds DNA sequence search. Proteins are little Olympians in the games of life, racing around cells to trigger critical processes through interactions with specific genes. Sometimes they’re sprinters, sometimes hurdlers. But they generally find their genetic targets, whatever the obstacles.(December 10, 2015) – Read more

Anatoly Kolomeisky named fellow of American Physical Society
Anatoly Kolomeisky, a professor of Chemistry and of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, has been named a fellow of the American Physical Society – Read more

New graduate student joined our group.
Luiza Ferreira, new Rice graduate student, started her research in our lab . Welcome to our group, Luiza! And please, enjoy molecular motors! (September 1, 2015)

Professor Kolomeisky Publishes New Textbook, Motor Proteins and Molecular Motors
Anatoly Kolomeisky, Professor of Chemistry and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, has just published a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students entitled “Motor Proteins and Molecular Motors”. (August 20, 2015) – Read more

Motor proteins prefer slow, steady movement
It takes at least two motor proteins to tango, according to Rice University scientists who discovered the workhorses that move cargo in cells are highly sensitive to the proximity of their peers. The study suggests that the collective behavior of motor proteins like kinesins keeps cellular transport systems robust by favoring slow and steady over maximum movement. (February 23, 2015) – Read more

Cell’s skeleton is never still
Rice University scientists model dynamic instability of microtubules
New computer models that show how microtubules age are the first to match experimental results and help explain the dynamic processes behind an essential component of every living cell, according to Rice University scientists. The results could help scientists fine-tune medications that manipulate microtubules to treat cancer and other diseases. Rice theoretical biophysicist Anatoly Kolomeisky and postdoctoral researcher Xin Li reported their results in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B. (November 24, 2014) –Read more